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DNS Guard


SecurityHive DNS Guard


DNS Guard ensures that malicious requests are blocked at the source, preventing attackers from reaching the network and endpoints.

The solution is an addition to SecurityHive's 3-in-1 cybersecurity platform. With DNS Guard, new cyber threats can be stopped before criminals gain control of the network and systems - even when employees are working outside the corporate network. This makes securing remote and hybrid workers, IoT devices, and OT infrastructure accessible to every organization.

What is DNS?

DNS (Domain Name System) is the link between your browser and the website you visit. It acts as a translation system that converts the domain name, such as, into an IP address. Web browsers communicate via IP addresses, so these 'translations' allow browsers to load internet resources.

Did you know that DNS traffic is the most popular method among cybercriminals to gain control of their target's devices?

The solution:

  • Prevents a DNS blind-spot - With DNS Guard, compromised systems can be quickly detected, increasing security visibility to protect your customer's organization from potential threats.
  • Easily enforces web filtering – DNS Guard blocks domains with unwanted content using multiple categories. The solution also allows you to add or block custom lists. As an IT administrator, you have full control over which sites users can visit.
  • Is deployed everywhere in a matter of minutes - Every device is protected against cyberattacks at any location worldwide.
  • Gains deep insights - DNS Guard provides comprehensive protection against potential threats by analyzing both incoming and outgoing DNS requests. With deeper insights and accurate threat analysis, the network is protected against potentially malicious activity.

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